I got the prompt from Writers Digest

You're riding an elevator when the power goes out. The situation take a turn when the pregnant woman next to you goes into labor.

I looked at my watch. Damn, I would be late soon. Once again the elevator doors opened, a young very pregnant woman and an old man got in. Nervously I tapped the button that would take me to the first floor and out of this building. I hated my boss, I hated my job and I hated my whole fucking life.
Now, it may sound that I was depressed, but I wasn't. Just pissed at life and all the shit it was throwing at me. But that day, I was about to have the brightest day of my life. But I didn't know that, so I was just moping and hating life in that crowded elevator.
The doors opened again, a bald man and the old man left the elevator, leaving me alone with the pregnant girl, who was huge by the way. I wouldn't have been surprised if she was carrying a whale in there.
The elevator screetched, stopped and everything went black. I didn't panic, this had happened to me before; it was just a blackout and we would be out any minute. It didn't seem to bother the pregnant girl either, so we just stood there in the darkness.
Suddenly I felt something wet under my shoes, wetting my socks too. For a brief moment I thought I pissed myself, but I noticed my pants were dry.
I didn't see anything, but I still turned to the pregnant girl.
"I think my water just broke" a faint voice said next to me. I knew exactly what that meant, but I hoped it wasn't true. She was in labor and there were no doctors around. I had no experience on delivering a baby whatsoever and based on her panting, the baby was coming right now.
"Umm... Why don't you sit down and I'll try to get us some light" I mumbled, trying to take control of the situation, when I actually had no fucking clue what to do. I took my phone from my pocket and managed to create faint light from it. In the darkness, the girl's face was looking terrified as she knew she was going to give birth without painkillers and professional help.
"I don't want to give birth now" she cried, then making a face when the pain in her stomach got bigger. I was helpless, but I knew I had to be the sane one.
"What's your name" I asked, sitting down next to her.
"Okay Lucy, you're probably going to give birth now, but I will be here. We will get your baby safely to the world, okay?" I asked, sounding more confident than I actually was. Who was I to tell that the baby wasn't going to come out the wrong way or get strangled with the umbilical cort. But I just didn't want Lucy to get all frightened and start panicking, it was easier for both of us if she was calm.
Lucy nodded as an answer, so I took my jacket off. As unpleasant as it did sound like, we needed something to wrap around the baby so it wouldn't get cold.
I started asking Lucy some questions, to distract her from the pain.
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"A boy. We are going to name him Frederick, after his grandpa" Lucy said. I almost rolled my eyes, but didn't, because I knew it would be rude. But Frederick? Damn, that boy would be bullied in school. But it was not the time or place to start critizising. Lucy whined as another contraction shook her body.
"It's coming now, the baby is coming now" Lucy panted and then screamed from pain. I hoped I could make her feel more comfortable, but fairly there was nothing I could do. I looked through my purse and was relieved to find a pocket knife that I could cut the umbilical cort with.
"Are you sure it's coming now? Maybe it's just another contraction" I said hopefully, maybe the elevator would start working before she gave birth and maybe she could get professional help. I tapped the elevator buttons, but got no response.
"I'm fucking sure it's coming now" she screamed angrily, took my hand and squeezed it so hard I was sure she broke the bones in it. She screamed from pain again and panted as I wiped the sweat off of her forehead.
"Breathe, take deep breaths with me and push" I said and inhaled and exhaled loudly, Lucy along with me. She pushed, cried and pushed. The baby seemed to refuse to come out. My hand was numb from all the squeezing, the elevator was getting really hot and filled with Lucy's cries of pain.
"Shoot, Lucy, you have to take your panties off" I realized. She nodded, took them off and shoved them into her bag. I happened to look under her skirt and happened to see the top of the baby's head.
"I'm not going to look there again, but I can see the baby's head. The head is the hardest part, so just push" I told Lucy. Lucy nodded, frowned and pushed really hard. The baby's head popped into the world and it started crying.

The rest of the labor was easier, I cut the umbilical cort the way Lucy told me to and then wrapped little Fred into my jacket. He was still crying, but I heard that that was the sound healthy babies were making, so I didn't mind. I was very happy the baby was alive and healthy and even though my world seemed to be dark, at least I had helped to deliver a new human to life.